Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Too Soon
先週の金曜日に、Beasty BoysのAdamが亡くなった。すっかりガンを克服してよくなったと思い込んでいたから、闘病していたとは知らなかった。
アダムは、家族とほぼ毎週のように私が4年間働いていた蕎麦屋に来ていた。いつも穏やかで、10分で席が空くと言って1時間以上待たせたこともあった。でも、嫌な顔一つせず「そういうこともあるよ。」と言っていた。お金には困らないだろうに、冬には、いつもほころびたグレーのステューシーのダウンジャケットを着ていた。先に来て旦那さんの名前を残す優しい奥さんも、飾り気が無く自然体で、いつ見てもにこにこしていて好きだった。恥ずかしがりの子供の、いいお父さんとお母さんだった。Beasty Boysの中では、悪ガキの中で一番早く「大人」になった人というイメージだった。当時は英語も今程しゃべれずコミュニケーション力もなかったので、アダムのことについては他には何も知らないけど、レストランでのいつものたった少しのやりとりの中で、やさしい人々だということはすごくわかっていた。あの奥さんなら大丈夫だ、と思う。きっと闘病生活で苦しむ姿もたくさん見ていただろうから、準備はできていたんだろう。どうか彼女と子供が元気でいてほしい。
Adam passed away last friday. It was shock to me as well as to all of us, I thought he overcame cancer.
He used to come to the Japanese restaurant that I used to work 4 years, almost every week. He always came with his wife and daughter. I was a hostess, and sometime made them wait more than an hour when I said 10 minutes. He was always calm and had quiet smile, just said "Don't worry, it happens." In Winter, he wore Stussy grey puffy jacket every time I saw him. That jacket looked little worn out and tired, but he wore it anyway. His wife is a very lovely person too. She has that natural beauty, always smiling and left her name on the waiting list before Adam arrived. I could not speak English to communicate very well back then, so that's the only thing I know about them. But in such a short interaction of routine, I could tell them they are good persons. And the good father and mother of the shy daughter.
Rest in Peace, Adam!
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About Me

- shakers
- In October 2008, Shakers was born in the small apartment in Bushwick. Three music enthusiasts got together, listening to the beautiful music. This ritualistic gathering was simply called Listening Party, and it usually went down until six in the morning. Each one of us were baptized by pure pleasure of every elements of the sound, and formed organically the group called Shakers.
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